This is a kinematics and dynamics library for Rethink Baxter, using orocos KDL. And this package is only tested on Ubuntu 14.04 STL + ROS indigo + Baxter SDK 1.2.0
This package contains main functions of this library, including:
- forward kinematics
- inverse kinematics
- position only IK
- 6d pose IK
- gravity effort
- inverse dynamics
- external torque estimation
- physical collision checking
- scalable threshold
An example package of using baxter_kdl
- orocos KDL
This library depends on orocos KDL (Kinematics and Dynamics Library). Thus, orocos-kdl package has to be installed.
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-orocos-*
- Baxter SDK 1.2.0
This package is only tested on Baxter SDK 1.2.0, so you should set up a workstation with Baxter SDK 1.2.0, please refer to Baxter Workstation Setup for more information.
1. cd ~/catkin_ws/src
2. git clone
3. cd ~/catkin_ws
4. source ~/[YourBaxterWorkspace]/devel/setup.bash
5. catkin_make
The demo code can be found in baxter_kdl_test package. This library onle works for real robot.
Qiang Qiu
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Wechat Official Account: Nao (ID: qRobotics)