
Simple script to generate Krona charts for all samples in an OTU table file

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Simple script to generate Krona charts for all samples in an OTU table file

This bash script needs the KronaTools to be installed and also a tab delimited file with OTU numbers and taxonomy.


Clone this repository in you linux machine, make it executable and you are ready to go.

git clone https://github.com/GenomicaMicrob/OTUsamples2krona.git
cd OTUsamples2krona
chmod +x OTUsamples2krona.sh


./OTUsamples2krona.sh samples-tax.tsv

The test file samples-tax.tsv is also included. This file was created with mg_classifier from samples from P. Schloss Miseq SOP webpage.

For help:

./OTUsamples2krona.sh -h

OTU file

The OTU file has to have the following format: The first line has the sample name (delimited by tabs) and a taxa structure (although this structure is not strictly necessary), from the second line downwards, the OTU values (delimited by tabs) and the taxonomy delimited by semicolons.

A	B	C	domain;phylum;class;order;family;genus;species
48	10	0	Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Vibrionales;Vibrionaceae;Photobacterium;Unclassified_s
10	0	14	Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Vibrionales;Vibrionaceae;Vibrio;Unclassified_s
0	0	3	Bacteria;Actinobacteria;Actinobacteria_c;Micrococcales;Microbacteriaceae;Limnoluna;Limnoluna_rubra
93	278	777	Bacteria;Cyanobacteria;Chroobacteria;Chroococcales;Prochlorococcaceae;Prochlorococcus;AM084273_s
9	0	66	Bacteria;Cyanobacteria;Chroobacteria;Chroococcales;Prochlorococcaceae;Prochlorococcus;BX548175_s

From this example file (samples-tax.tsv, included), the script will create three html files in a subdirectory named krona. The sample name will appear at the center of the pie chart generated.

If you use QIIME, during the standard pipelines, the file otu_table.biom is produced, this file can be converted to the format needed with biom (of course you have to have biom installed):

biom convert -i otu_table.biom -o otu_table.tsv --to-tsv --header-key taxonomy

This command will produce a file almost ready to use; since a column at the beggining is added with no useful data, we need to delete it with:

cut -f1 --complement otu_table.tsv > otu.tsv

Sometimes the taxonomy structure produced by QIIME is rather crappy, due to the crappy databases it uses, so it might not work all the time. Consider using mg_classifier, a super fast classifier that produces the file samples-tax.tsv with the correct format.