
Just a collection of usefull one-liners, often a bit too long to remember


Just a collection of usefull one-liners, often a bit too long to remember


Get column by its name

Pretty useful for big tables (source):

awk -F'\t' -v c='colname' 'NR==1{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) if ($i==c){p=i; break}; next} {print $p}' myfile.tsv

Apparently this has issues if you want to retrieve the column in the last position: it returns the whole line.

Alternative (source):

awk -F'\t' -v colname='colname' '{if(NR==1) for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) { if($i~colname) { colnum=i;break} } else print $colnum}' myfile.tsv

Extract fasta sequences by name


awk -F'>' 'NR==FNR{ids[$0]; next} NF>1{f=($2 in ids)} f' ids.txt myseqs.fasta

Where ids.txt is a list of the names of the sequences to extract from myseqs.fasta

Remove empty fasta sequences


awk 'BEGIN {RS = ">" ; FS = "\n" ; ORS = ""} $2 {print ">"$0}' myseqs.fasta

Useful to do any work from the exported amino acid gene calls from anvi-get-sequences-for-gene-calls as it keeps the non-protein coding gene headers with no sequence.

Sum values based on category of another column

This will add up the values of column 2, giving the total sum for each unique value in column 1 (source).

awk -F "\t" '{a[$1] += $2; OFS="\t"} END {for (i in a) print i, a[i]}' myfile.tsv

Simplify fasta headers (remove anything after first space)


awk 'BEGIN{OFS=FS=" "}{if(/^>/){NF--}}{print $1}' myseqs.fasta

Change the OFS=FS=" " to the character marking where you want to delete from.

Convenient for cleaning fasta headers for phylo work.

This is another alternative that should work in most cases:

cut -f1 -d " " myseqs.fasta


Complex sorting

sort -k1,1n -k 2,2 -k5,5gr myfile.tsv

Sort first based on number on column 1, then standard (alphabetic) sorting of column 2, and finally do "general numeric sort" in reverse order of column 5 (i.e. recognises scientific notation and sorts high to low).

Count bp in FastQ files


cat test.fastq | paste - - - - | cut -f 2 | tr -d '\n' | wc -c

paste places all lines in 4 columns.

The second line in each FastQ record is the actual sequence (we grab them with cut).

tr is used to remove end of line (\n) characters, otherwise wc counts them.

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General command line