Pinned issues
- 0
bot.banChatMember(chatId, userId, { revoke_messages: true }) => no messages are getting deleted.
#1245 opened by iservy - 1
error: [polling_error]
#1241 opened by Datou-Pikaqiu - 0
Calling TdApi.OptimizeStorage, temp file deleted but TdApi.GetRemoteFile still return temp file path
#1244 opened by cdxf - 2
- 3
Bot does not process callback_query
#1242 opened by l1acy - 0
[Feature] Please add savePreparedInlineMessage
#1243 opened by hasanboy93 - 1
SetWebHookOptions missing ip_address
#1213 opened by mynote - 0
- 2
- 2
/getWebhookInfo returns blank url
#1207 opened by Rogueknighttt - 1
Webhook setup via URL returns blank
#1191 opened by azickri - 0
- 1
[Error] 400 Bad Request: invalid sticker emojis
#1236 opened by longlin10086 - 1
- 0
- 3
I always get 401 unauthorized error when use test bot
#1198 opened by judy9712 - 2
Deprecated request and request-promise packages leading to vulnerability in tough-cookie module
#1231 opened by RecklessWave - 1
setChatMenuButton doesn't work
#1229 opened by maksimdrosdov - 3
function createInvoiceLink not exist
#1184 opened by tieudat - 1
How to mention users by their username (telegram-bot)
#1226 opened by Behruz999 - 2
setWebhookInfo does not correctly set the allowed_updates field. CURL works
#1222 opened by Jessica0813 - 2
TelegramBot configuration doesn't reflect at all
#1227 opened by mcfriend99 - 1
Telegrambot don't have refund function (not exist refundStarPayment method)
#1211 opened by bienpx224 - 0
Callback query message does not contain HTML
#1220 opened by ahmad22aot - 1
Can't get if user is premium
#1217 opened by mohsenemx - 0
NPM v.0.66.0 not the same as this repo
#1219 opened by st-spark - 0
[SUGGESTION] that the module is compatible with ES module
#1218 opened by glocf - 0
[BUG] unable to use forwardMessages
#1215 opened by qiaoshouzi - 6
Pre-Checkout Timeout Error while making a Payment
#1187 opened by sojinsamuel - 0
How to automatically send the start command after entering a private chat (not changing the input box to a start button)
#1214 opened by Ligang9 - 0
bot.getChatMember not working
#1212 opened by SH20RAJ - 0
- 1
How to use schedule_date flag in sendMessage
#1209 opened by qertis - 0
add getStarTransactions from Bot API 7.5
#1205 opened by imedfan - 2
FileOptions filename and contentType is can't work well
#1202 opened by azickri - 1
The editMessageMedia method is working a bit wrong
#1189 opened by Toper9636 - 2
Method getUserChatBoosts doesn't work correctly
#1200 opened by dsvynarenko - 6
Business Mode
#1192 opened by Dani-l4 - 0
Bot occasionally doesn't receive update
#1197 opened by antemikulic98 - 0
I have problem. I have more than 1,500 users, and the bot checks the site if products are available and sends for All the users if they are available. I set that it checks the site every 50 seconds so that the users can get the notification before the stock runs out, but I faced a problem, which is that it is very late. In the transmitter
#1196 opened by ABAD81280 - 1
please help me i got this error
#1193 opened by MuftukMall - 1
multiple upload file
#1179 opened by bagusandrewijaya - 2
Add to sendInvoice start_parameter
#1185 opened by TarasiukDima - 0
Bot replys to user no problem, but when i want it to send announchment to channel or group. nothing happens
#1194 opened by BjarniLeifs - 0
The 'Update' object sometimes does not have an attribute 'reply_to_message' in private messages
#1190 opened by Algernon377 - 1
question how to save photos by reply
#1178 opened by AKAZAMD - 1
Listening for a reply to an image with the '/isimage' command, replying with a message saying 'this is an image'
#1182 opened by ViralisLabs - 0
Deleting old message IDs in Telegram
#1183 opened by 002love - 0
Occasionally not receiving message update
#1181 opened by 0xSorcerer - 0
bot.on('message', ...) works unexpected
#1180 opened by ngugcx