Visual Pre-training for Navigation: What Can We Learn from Noise?

Yanwei Wang, Ching-Yun Ko, Pulkit Agrawal

Codebase of this paper. See videos on the paper website.


  1. Run conda create --name <env> --file requirements.txt
  2. Install package PerceptualSimilarity
  3. Install package CoordConv

Generate training data (natural home images) for PTZ module

  1. Download Gibson .glb files and store them in a folder called gibson
  2. To generate habitat dataset to train PTZ module, run ./ < train/test_env.txt inside gen_data
  3. Folders habitat_train and habitat_test should now have 6500 images and 2300 images in total respectively from different environments. We sample 10 locations from each environment and generate 10 images at each location via consecutive right turns.

Generate training data (noise images) for PTZ module

  1. To generate noise dataset to train PTZ module, run ./ inside gen_data
  2. Folders noise_train and noise_test should now have 40k and 4k images in total respectively. Both contain 4 folders corresponding to fractal noise, perlin noise, overlaping random shapes and non-overlaping random shapes.

Train PTZ module

  1. Run ./ to train the PTZ module
  2. Run ./ to eval the PTZ module

Generate training data for navigation policy

  1. Run ./gen_data/
  2. nav_train contains 10 environments, each has 1k validation data in nav0 and 5k training data in nav1

Train navigation policy

  1. Run ./

Run inference in testing environments

  1. Build a target environment floor map by first randomly exploring the the space via
  2. Generate a scatter plot of all the valid locations via load_all_states from
  3. Contour a floor map using a concave hull algorithm via load_floor from
  4. Run ./