
Missing datasets

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi authors,

I found another issue in your dataset. The trainning process terminated with an KeyError in

for instance_id, object in self.scene_graph[question['scans']]['nodes'].items():

that self.scene_graph lacks some scans. For example, scan 352e9c48-69fb-27a7-8a35-3dbf699637c8 can be found in CLEVR3D-REAL.json but does not exsist in SceneGraphAnnotation.json, which means the questions and scene graphs do not match.

Such error can be avoided by skipping the unmatchings. However, I think you may have provided the wrong dataset, as the name of R3ScanO27R16Dataset.py represents a smaller version of 3DSSG (or 3RScan) which only contains 27 objects and 16 relations. SceneGraphAnnotation.json also lacks some scans that exsist in CLEVR3D-REAL.json.

Thanks for your time!

Thank you for the comment, we have fixed it.