
Framework for MOBA games. The server does not depend on Unity. Run on Linux.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Framework for MOBA games. The server doesn't depend on Unity. Run programs on Linux. Doujin Allstars Release Trailer: Open-source MOBA


  • Client and Server written in C#.
  • The code is only 3000 lines.
  • Framework doesn't depend on Unity.
  • The server is just a console application. So run programs on Linux with Mono.
  • Pathfinding using Navigation Mesh.
  • Sight is shared by team.
  • Bush
  • Scriptable Heroes & Skills & Buffs & Items.

Quick Setup


  1. Open MOBA_CSharp_Unity_Client with Unity.
  2. Build
  3. Copy MOBA_CSharp_Unity_Client/YAML and MOBA_CSharp_Unity_Client/CSV to build folder.
  4. Open YAML/ClientConfig.yml. And modify Host and Port.


  1. Open MOBA_CSharp_Server/MOBA_CSharp_Server.sln with Visual Studio or MonoDevelop.
  2. Build
  3. Open YAML/ServerConfig.yml in the build folder. And modify Port.





How can I change the parameters of the unit?

Open MOBA_CSharp_Server\MOBA_CSharp_Server\CSV\ExpTables and modify CSV files.

How can I change the parameters of the item?

Open MOBA_CSharp_Server\MOBA_CSharp_Server\CSV\Items.csv and modify it.