Package Discription
MODELS: Currently Kraken3 model is being used. Folder models contains all the sdf and mesh files (generated using sw2urdf extension in Solidworks with base_link’s COM as the COM of the whole AUV). 
PLUGINS: It contains the source file of Hydrodynamics(calculates the Drag force, Added mass and Bouyancy) and KrakenControl(publishes the IMU and DVL sensor data) plugins.

Add the ‘models’ folder in the ENV variables(add the following command in the .bashrc)
COMMAND: “export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=~/teamauv_ws/src/kraken_reboot/kraken_simulator/models:$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH”
Caution: Make sure that correct path has been given.
Run the COMMAND: “rosrun gazebo_ros gazebo --verbose”
Add 'kraken' from the model list.
All the topics name for the simulator are the same, used for AUV.