Find usages of the selected asset(s) and/or Object(s) in your Unity project, i.e. list the objects that refer to them
- 10
Feature request: Search for direct references only
#42 opened by detzt - 1
If an image is deleted and then reverted the deletion. it stops showing in the usage detector
#41 opened by Shamsad-Madovergames - 1
- 2
Unable to open read only scene thrown with "addressables support" clicked
#36 opened by petergiuntoli - 4
- 2
Nested prefabs are not detected
#32 opened by Guillaume-Chanko - 2
- 11
Does not find Addressable asset references
#29 opened by NamelessPerson - 4
Possible to use it by code?
#30 opened by brunomikoski - 4
`System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null` when searching the project
#28 opened by invisible-defects - 2
Cannot be found in via Package Manager
#25 opened by develax - 6
Warning: CS0618: prefabAssetPath is obsolete
#24 opened by puschie286 - 1
#20 opened by puschie286 - 3
- 1
Scenes not found using SceneReference Object
#22 opened by ReVDiZ - 4
Version mismatched
#21 opened by favoyang - 4
Searching for a Prefab doesn't always show results starting with Unity.GameObjects
#19 opened by TimmermanV - 2
- 9
StackOverflowException during search
#17 opened by TimmermanV - 3
- 2
- 6
Exception on search: ArgumentException: The type 'System.Void*' may not be used as a type argument.
#15 opened by rotter - 7
AssetUsageDetector caused Unity to crash
#13 opened by TimmermanV - 2
No references found to sprite or sound asset
#12 opened by TimmermanV - 2
Asset not found after rename (cache issue?)
#11 opened by rotter - 4
- 3
- 3
Suggestion: context menu on right click
#8 opened by rotter - 3
Black font color is hard to read
#7 opened by rotter - 2
- 1
CS0618 UnityAssetUsageDetector uses functionality that is obsolete in Unity 2018.3 (Prefab/GUI)
#4 opened by TimmermanV - 1
Using GUILayout.XScope
#5 opened by bazuka5801 - 2
error CS1502, CS1503
#1 opened by iakovosvo