The project simulates a quadcopter in 3D environment. It contains a basic quadcopter dynamics model, hover controller, trajectory generator, visualisation toolkit and a top level scheduler which runs each module at a specific rate.
I have been playing and studying quadcopter in my spare time since 2014 when I first bought a crazyflie. There are many interesting projects around already, like vision-based SLAM, hover control and advance manoeuvre, etc. However, there are very few open source quadcopter simulator which helps a beginner to overcome the mental barrier of understanding the underlying physics. There are a lot of research papers on the topic of quadcopter control and autonomous application, but none of those can be made possible without a decent simulation tool. This project aims to address that. Thanks to Coursera's online course Aerial Robotics by Professor Vijay Kumar, which presents quadcopter's motion equations in detail, I was then inspired and finally able to write this from scratch.
The simulator only uses matplotlib and scipy. You can simply run the following:
- add sensor noise model, wind.
- add sensor fusion.i.e EKF,UKF
- reinforment learning.
Any contribution are welcome if you are interested in the project, but please let me know.
Peter Huang