- 0
documentation examples no longer work
#16 opened by friendly - 0
multiple layers of geom_pcp
#15 opened by heike - 0
Line alignment considering the order of the data when there is numeric variable and "resort" in factor block
#14 opened by yaweige - 0
deal with NA explicitly
#13 opened by yaweige - 0
#12 opened by heike - 0
#11 opened by heike - 0
bug of making use of ggplot2
#10 opened by yaweige - 0
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 1
With the current breakpoint method, we may be able to sort the lines from both sides. We should make this happen
#8 opened by yaweige - 0
examples for each of the functions
#2 opened by heike - 5
- 2
- 1