
Reproducible research code for the experiments presented in our article "Kara1k: a karaoke dataset for cover song identification and singing voice analysis" published at IEEE ISM 2017

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Reproducible research code for the article published to IEEE ISM 2017 conference:

  author = {Bayle, Yann and Maršík, Ladislav and Rusek, Martin and Robine, Matthias and Hanna, Pierre and Slaninová, Kateřina and Martinovič, Jan and Pokorný, Jaroslav},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia},
  link = {http://ism2017.asia.edu.tw/december-12/},
  month = {Dec.},
  title = {Kara1k: a karaoke dataset for cover song identification and singing voice analysis},
  year = {2017},
  address={Taichung, Taiwan},
  pages = {1--8}

Aim of the paper

  • Propose a novel industrial musical database
  • Cover Song Identification task on the before-mentioned database
  • Singer's Gender Classification task on the before-mentioned database

Tree structure (Description of available files)

  • The folder src/ contains python files necessary to reproduce our algorithm
  • The folder data/ contains a file named filelist.csv that lists for each audio file:
    • the unique identifier
    • the artist name
    • the track name
    • the gender tag (female, male, females, males, mixed)
    • the language tag (en, fr, es, it, de, pt, nl)
    • a boolean indicating if features have been extracted for this audio file by:
      1. YAAFE
      2. Marsyas
      3. Essentia
      4. Vamp
      5. harmony-analyser
  • The folder features/ contains features extracted by
    • bextract from Marsyas with the following command: bextract -mfcc -zcrs -ctd -rlf -flx -ws 1024 -as 898 -sv -fe.

As concerns features extracted by YAAFE, Essentia, Vamp and harmony-analyser they cannot be stored on this github repository because of their inherent size and so are available upon request for direct download. The command used for extracting features with:

  • YAAFE: yaafe -r 22050 -f "mfcc: MFCC blockSize=2048 stepSize=1024" --resample -b output_dir_features input_filename
  • Essentia: essentia-extractors-v2.1_beta2/streaming_extractor_music input_filename output_filename
  • Vamp extracted via harmony-analyser using JNI wrapper:
    • java -jar ha-script.jar -a nnls-chroma:nnls-chroma -s .wav -t 0.07
    • java -jar ha-script.jar -a nnls-chroma:chordino-tones -s .wav -t 0.07
    • java -jar ha-script.jar -a nnls-chroma:chordino-labels -s .wav -t 0.07
    • java -jar ha-script.jar -a qm-vamp-plugins:qm-keydetector -s _wav -t 0.07
  • harmony-analyser with the following commands (note that Vamp plugin analysis was first performed to extract low-level features):
    • java -jar ha-script.jar -a chord_analyser:chord_complexity_distance -s .wav -t 0.07
    • java -jar ha-script.jar -a chroma_analyser:complexity_difference -s .wav -t 0.07
    • java -jar ha-script.jar -a chord_analyser:average_chord_complexity_distance -s .wav -t 0.07
    • java -jar ha-script.jar -a chord_analyser:tps_distance -s .wav -t 0.07
    • java -jar ha-script.jar -a filters:chord_vectors -s .wav -t 0.07
    • java -jar ha-script.jar -a filters:key_vectors -s .wav -t 0.07