- 4
Merge conv2d and bn
#8 opened by zptang1210 - 3
- 3
Pretrained models
#9 opened by eddiehe99 - 3
Link for trained models
#3 opened by rsmeghana8 - 3
#34 opened by duzijj - 0
#49 opened by CF-chen-feng-CF - 0
Can you publish the visualization code?
#48 opened by songbingyue - 0
Can you publish the visualization code?
#47 opened by songbingyue - 4
Apply on 256*256 input
#7 opened by zyxu1996 - 7
- 1
#41 opened by JJY0710 - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
#43 opened by NEFUtraffica - 0
- 3
- 1
Using models
#40 opened by shovalfaibish - 2
camvid weights question
#39 opened by Jerry2990 - 1
#37 opened by DirtyBit64 - 1
- 1
About the structure of the DDRNet
#27 opened by zhuzhuzhu2 - 2
Saved model without pretraining
#26 opened by hojunson - 1
#30 opened by CuZaoo - 1
- 0
cityscapes pretrained weights of DDRNet-39
#38 opened by gzamps - 0
Train model problem
#33 opened by Cun-bao - 0
about training resolution
#31 opened by coallar - 0
- 3
About camvid
#25 opened by xiaodaomingye459 - 2
#15 opened by hannes09 - 1
pre-trained model on the COCO dataset
#23 opened by niloofarAzari - 1
Not an issue, but applause!
#22 opened by ZhuGeRoastedFish - 3
about training code
#17 opened by whyandbecause - 1
#20 opened by FrankFang0813 - 1
Error in code or paper?
#24 opened by qwert1337 - 1
DAPPM + DDRNet slim for small image segmentation input_size (e.g. 128x128 or 256x256)
#21 opened by tamirDia - 1
这个网络速度是真的快 建议大家工程可以用
#19 opened - 3
- 2
Question about crop augmentation during training
#16 opened by mbcel - 3
sorry, I come again. I used the train and val set to train model, but the miou of test set is still low, just 0.54. Can you tell me something about your training details?Thank you grateful !
#6 opened by qifengluo - 6
Multiple questions about DDRNet23 Slim Model
#12 opened by dasmehdix - 3
Is there a TensorRT implementation
#2 opened by YLyeliang - 1
resolution of segmentation output map
#13 opened by fjremnav - 1
Tensorflow Implementation
#10 opened by dasmehdix - 1
Wrong pretrained models for segmentation task
#11 opened by D-Sokol - 4
A question about testset result
#5 opened by qifengluo - 1
SPP_super and Bottleneck_last
#4 opened by Zartris - 2
the pretrained net on imagenet
#1 opened by chenjun2hao