
Track Advancement of SLAM 跟踪SLAM前沿动态【周更】


【回馈社区】跟踪SLAM前沿动态(2019), 2018版 技术更新太快,开启paper暴走模式,精选paper包括纯视觉SLAM,三维重建,基础数学工具,导航路径规划,深度学习SLAM,激光与视觉融合等类别。如果你发现我遗漏了本年度比较优秀的论文,请开issue留言,不胜感激。


即将上市机器人独角兽广招SLAM算法工程师。 欢迎wechat*扰:sinnature 邮箱:easonjianghk@gmail.com

SLAM 能力图


32. 2019-03-16-A Unified Formulation for Visual Odometry 综合直接法和间接法

26. 2019-03-11-Incremental Visual-Inertial 3D Mesh Generation with Structural Regularities出自MIT,在VIO中根据三角剖分加入结构化特征

24. 2019-03-08-Robust RGB-D Odometry under Depth Uncertainty for Structured Environments 博士论文处理RGBD深度误差

23. 2019-03-08-Stereo Visual Inertial LiDAR Simultaneous Localization and Mapping激光在山洞容易失效,双目可以增强某些场景

20. 2019-02-28-Vision Sensor Aided Navigation for Ground Vehicle Applications Liu Zhenbo 博士毕业论文讲的很仔细

19. 2019-02-28-GSLAM: A General SLAM Framework and Benchmark 兼容多种框架的框架。。。

15. 2019-02-14-Visual SLAM: Why Bundle Adjust?Ian Reid的改进版BA

14. 2019-02-14-A real-time visual-inertial mapping and localization method by fusing unstable GPS 根据GPS信号可信度调整优化方法

11. 2019-01-30-Extrinsic Calibration of Lidar and Camera with Polygon 利用已知多边形板子获得激光与视觉传感器外参,出自港科大刘明老师

10. 2019-01-30-Robust Photogeometric Localization over Time for Map-Centric Loop Closure解决map-centric slam回环问题

8. 2019-01-25-SLAM of Robot based on the Fusion of Vision and LIDARRGBD 与lidar 融合,好像只是处理逻辑关系判断,没有深度融合


6. 2019-01-25-Loosely-Coupled Semi-Direct Monocular SLAM Javier Civera 直接法和特征法融合,也是我现在工作比较感兴趣的一个方向

4. 2019-01-11-SDVL: Efficient and Accurate Semi-Direct Visual Localization 直接法与特征点法混合

1. 2019-01-09-Factor Graphs for Flexible Inference in Robotics and Vision Dellaert, Frank视频详解因子图,他也是牛逼的SKYDIO 的开发者之一


8. 2019-03-08-DeepLO: Geometry-Aware Deep LiDAR Odometry基于深度学习的三维激光SLAM

6. 2019-03-08-GCNv2: Efficient Correspondence Prediction for Real-Time SLAM 网络生成ORB特征点,融合ORBSLAM里面去。code

2. 2019-01-25-Towards Building the Semantic Map from a Monocular Camera with a Multi-task Network 中山大学通过多任务CNN生成单目深度图与并分割,重建出有语义信息的地图

3D Reconstruction

4. 2019-02-18-Improving 3D reconstruction via RGB-D camera registration and shading-based surface refinement南阳理工邓腾博士论文

1. 2019-01-12-NRMVS: Non-Rigid Multi-View Stereo 根据不同视角RGB图像对变形物体三维重建

Auto driving

4. 2019-03-13-An Interactive LiDAR to Camera Calibration 雷达相机外参标定

3. 2019-03-13-A Fuzzy-Innovation-Based Adaptive Kalman Filter for Enhanced Vehicle Positioning in Dense Urban Environments

2. 2019-01-25-Sensor fusion for localization of automated vehicles 德国Bonn大学自动驾驶多传感器融合博士论文

Path Planning

5. 2019-02-18-Efficient Autonomous Exploration Planning of Large Scale 3D-Environments. Frontier Exploration planning (FEP) 与 Receding Horizon Next-Best-View planning (RH-NBVP)方法融合做自主探索

4. 2019-02-15-Motion Planning for Micro Aerial Vehicles宾大liu sikang博士论文,导师Kumar

3. 2019-02-14-A Novel GRU-RNN Network Model for Dynamic Path Planning of Mobile Robot 全名Gated Recurrent Unit-Recurrent Neural Network (GRU-RNN)

1. 2019-01-25-Planning Algorithms for Multi-Robot Active Perception 悉尼大学多机器人主动感知路径规划


5. 2018-03-08-UCSD ECE276A: Sensing & Estimation in Robotics (Winter 2019) UC 圣地亚哥大学机器人感知运动估计课程

3. 2019-02-25-MC2SLAM: Real-Time Inertial Lidar Odometry Using Two-Scan Motion Compensation 激光IMU紧耦合方案,声称KITTI数据集top5,且放出了数据集。

1. 2019-01-25-Ultra-wideband-based Navigation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 南洋理工UWB定位博士论文