
Real-time Object Grasp Detection ROS package for YOLO

Primary LanguageC++


Development Environment

  • Ubuntu 16.04 / 18.04
  • ROS Kinetic / Melodic
  • OpenCV

ROS Installation Options

ROS (Robot Operating System)

Real-time Grasp (Rotation Angle) Detection With ROS

Gazebo Real-time Screw Rotation Detection - [Link]

Real-time Screw Grasp Detection With ROS

Gazebo Real-time Grasp Detection - [Link]

Parts-Arrangement-Robot - [Link]

Real-time Screw Detection With ROS

Gazebo Real-time Screw Grasp Detection - [Link]

YOLOv3_ROS object detection


To download the prerequisites for this package (except for ROS itself), navigate to the package folder and run:

$ cd yolov3_pytorch_ros
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt


Navigate to your catkin workspace and run:

$ catkin_make yolov3_pytorch_ros

Basic Usage

  1. First, make sure to put your weights in the models folder. For the training process in order to use custom objects, please refer to the original YOLO page. As an example, to download pre-trained weights from the COCO data set, go into the models folder and run:
wget http://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov3.weights
  1. Modify the parameters in the launch file and launch it. You will need to change the image_topic parameter to match your camera, and the weights_name, config_name and classes_name parameters depending on what you are trying to do.

Start yolov3 pytorch ros node

$ roslaunch yolov3_pytorch_ros detector.launch

Node parameters

  • image_topic (string)

    Subscribed camera topic.

  • weights_name (string)

    Weights to be used from the models folder.

  • config_name (string)

    The name of the configuration file in the config folder. Use yolov3.cfg for YOLOv3, yolov3-tiny.cfg for tiny YOLOv3, and yolov3-voc.cfg for YOLOv3-VOC.

  • classes_name (string)

    The name of the file for the detected classes in the classes folder. Use coco.names for COCO, and voc.names for VOC.

  • publish_image (bool)

    Set to true to get the camera image along with the detected bounding boxes, or false otherwise.

  • detected_objects_topic (string)

    Published topic with the detected bounding boxes.

  • detections_image_topic (string)

    Published topic with the detected bounding boxes on top of the image.

  • confidence (float)

    Confidence threshold for detected objects.

Subscribed topics

  • image_topic (sensor_msgs::Image)

    Subscribed camera topic.

Published topics

  • detected_objects_topic (yolov3_pytorch_ros::BoundingBoxes)

    Published topic with the detected bounding boxes.

  • detections_image_topic (sensor_msgs::Image)

    Published topic with the detected bounding boxes on top of the image (only published if publish_image is set to true).

Ubuntu-18.04 Realsense D435

  • The steps are described in bellow documentation

    [IntelRealSense -Linux Distribution]

    sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-key F6E65AC044F831AC80A06380C8B3A55A6F3EFCDE || sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-key
    sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://realsense-hw-public.s3.amazonaws.com/Debian/apt-repo bionic main" -u
    sudo apt-get install librealsense2-dkms
    sudo apt-get install librealsense2-utils
    sudo apt-get install librealsense2-dev
    sudo apt-get install librealsense2-dbg #(리얼센스 패키지 설치 확인하기)
  • Installing Realsense-ros

    1. catkin workspace
    mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
    cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
    1. Download realsense-ros pkg
    git clone https://github.com/IntelRealSense/realsense-ros.git
    cd realsense-ros/
    git checkout `git tag | sort -V | grep -P "^\d+\.\d+\.\d+" | tail -1`
    cd ..
    1. Download ddynamic_reconfigure
    cd src
    git clone https://github.com/pal-robotics/ddynamic_reconfigure/tree/kinetic-devel
    cd ..
    1. Pkg installation
    cd ..
    catkin_make clean
    catkin_make install
    echo "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc
    1. Run D435 node
    roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch
    1. Run rviz testing
    rosrun rviz rvzi
    Add > Image to view the raw RGB image

How to train (to detect your custom objects)

Training YOlOv3:

Download the dakrnet source code

git clone https://github.com/pjreddie/darknet
cd darknet

vim Makefile
GPU=1 # if no using GPU 0
CUDNN=1 # if no 0

0. Create folder for yolov3
mkdir yolov3
cd yolov3
mkdir JPEGImages labels backup cfg 

├── JPEGImages
│ ├── object-00001.jpg
│ └── object-00002.jpg
│ ...
├── labels
│ ├── object-00001.txt
│ └── object-00002.txt
│ ...
├── backup
│ ├── yolov3-object.backup
│ └── yolov3-object_20000.weights
│ ...
├── cfg
│ ├── obj.data
│ ├── yolo-obj.cfg
│ └── obj.names
└── obj_test.txt...

1. Create file yolo-obj.cfg with the same content as in yolov3.cfg (or copy yolov3.cfg to yolo-obj.cfg) and:
  • change line batch to batch=64

  • change line subdivisions to subdivisions=8

  • change line max_batches to (classes*2000 but not less than 4000), f.e. max_batches=6000 if you train for 3 classes

  • change line steps to 80% and 90% of max_batches, f.e. steps=4800,5400

  • change line classes=80 to your number of objects in each of 3 [yolo]-layers:

    • cfg/yolov3.cfg#L610

    • cfg/yolov3.cfg#L696

    • cfg/yolov3.cfg#L783

      filters = 24 #3*(classes + 5)
  • change [filters=255] to filters= 3x(classes + 5) in the 3 [convolutional] before each [yolo] layer

    • cfg/yolov3.cfg#L603
    • cfg/yolov3.cfg#L689
    • cfg/yolov3.cfg#L776

So if classes=1 then should be filters=18. If classes=2 then write filters=21.

(Do not write in the cfg-file: filters=(classes + 5)x3)

2. Create file obj.names in the directory path_to/yolov3/cfg/, with objects names - each in new line
3. Create file obj.data in the directory path_to/yolov3/cfg/, containing (where classes = number of objects):
classes= 3
train  = /home/cai/workspace/yolov3/obj_train.txt
valid  = /home/cai/workspace/yolov3/obj_test.txt
names = /home/cai/workspace/yolov3/cfg/obj.names
backup = /home/cai/workspace/yolov3/backup/
4. Put image-files (.jpg) of your objects in the directory path_to/yolov3/JPEGImages
5. You should label each object on images from your dataset: [LabelImg] is a graphical image annotation tool

It will create .txt-file for each .jpg-image-file - in the same directory and with the same name, but with .txt-extension, and put to file: object number and object coordinates on this image, for each object in new line:

<object-class> <x_center> <y_center> <width> <height>


  • <object-class> - integer object number from 0 to (classes-1)
  • <x_center> <y_center> <width> <height> - float values relative to width and height of image, it can be equal from (0.0 to 1.0]
  • for example: <x> = <absolute_x> / <image_width> or <height> = <absolute_height> / <image_height>
  • atention: <x_center> <y_center> - are center of rectangle (are not top-left corner)

For example for img1.jpg you will be created img1.txt containing:

1 0.716797 0.395833 0.216406 0.147222
0 0.687109 0.379167 0.255469 0.158333
1 0.420312 0.395833 0.140625 0.166667
6. Create file obj_train.txt & obj_test.txt in directory path_to/yolov3/, with filenames of your images, each filename in new line,for example containing:
7. Download pre-trained weights for the convolutional layers (154 MB): https://pjreddie.com/media/files/darknet53.conv.74 and put to the directory path_to/darknet/
wget https://pjreddie.com/media/files/darknet53.conv.74
8. Start training by using the command line:
./darknet detector train [path to .data file] [path to .cfg file] [path to pre-taining weights-darknet53.conv.74]

./darknet detector train path_to/yolov3/cfg/obj.data path_to/yolov3/cfg/yolov3.cfg darknet53.conv.74 2>1 | tee visualization/train_yolov3.log
9. Start testing by using the command line:
./darknet detector test path_to/yolov3/cfg/obj.data path_to/yolov3/cfg/yolov3.cfg path_to/yolov3/backup/yolov3_final.weights path_to/yolov3/test/test_img.jpg