Building Indonesian Hyponym-Hypernym Semantic Relations Corpus and Model Using Pattern-Based, Crowdsourcing, and Machine Learning Approach

This repository stores the frontend web application code for the crowdsourcing application used in the research

How to run

  1. Clone
  2. Create config files, .env
API_BASE_URL=backend web service address
GAME_TIME_LIMIT_MS=time limit in ms for each game level
  1. Build with npm run build
  2. Start the web app with npm start (privilleged) or use systemd
  3. Make sure the backend web service is running (repo:


The crowdsourced corpus can be viewed here:

App Screenshots



short paper coming soon

Erlandinata, Y. (2020). Pembangunan Korpus dan Model Relasi Semantik Hiponim-Hipernim Bahasa Indonesia dengan Pendekatan Pattern-Based, Crowdsourcing, dan Machine Learning (Skripsi). Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia.