
In this package, the Gazebo simulation enviroment based on the stockroom world, also you can subscribe pose of the ar_track_alvar

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Husky - UR3 manipulator with AR marker Stockroom


The Husky UR3 mobile manipulation tutorial will show you how to operate a mobile manipulation robot using Gazebo, RViz, MoveIt, and the UR3 arm.

In this package, the Gazebo simulation enviroment based on the stockroom world, also you can subscribe pose of the ar_track_alvar.


Affiliation: Human-Robot Interaction LAB, Kyung Hee Unviersity, South Korea

This pakage for ROS Melodic version


  • Before do this, please backup important files.


  • This pacakge is based on the husky_ur3_manipulator 'melodic' branch.
    Therefore, please do it after intallation of the huksy_ur3_manipulator.

$ sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-ar-track-alvar
$ cd ~/Downloads && git clone https://github.com/Jpub/ROS.git
$ cd ROS
$ cp -r stockroom_bot ~/catkin_ws/src

$ gedit ~/.bashrc
   export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/stockroom_bot/models

$ cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make
$ rospack profile && rosstack profile

How to start?

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src && git clone https://github.com/MrLacquer/husky-ur3-stockroom.git
$ cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make
$ rospack profile && rosstack profile

- Bring up Gazebo and the Husky UR3 manipulator, 
$ roslaunch husky_ur3_stockroom husky_ur3_stookroom.launch 

- Bring Up MoveIt & RViz
$ roslaunch husky_ur3_test_moveit_config husky_ur3_planning_execution.launch
$ roslaunch husky_ur3_stockroom husky_ur3_amcl_stockroom.launch 
$ roslaunch husky_ur3_stockroom husky_ur3_stockroom_rviz.launch 

- Contorlling the UR3 manipulator (more detail [ur3-moveit-test](https://github.com/MrLacquer/ur3-moveit-test.git))
$ rosrun husky_ur3_stockroom husky_ur3_stockroom_control.py




Launch the Stockroom Gazebo and Moveit!

[SLAM Video Link]Screenshot