
Primary LanguageC++

Git is a version control system.
Git is free software.
A good tutorial can be found at

frequently used command:
1 git init
2 git add <file>
3 git commit -m "my explanations"
4 git status : check out status of the repository
5 git diff <filename>: check out what is changed in the repository
6 git log : list the history of commit (version)
7 git checkout -- file : delet changes since last add or commit
8 git reset HEAD file : unstage file to version of last commit(current version)
9 git reset --hard HEAD^ : go back to the last version.
  git reset --hard HEAD^^ : go back to the previous previous version.
  git reset --hard HEAD~100 : go back to the 100th previous version.

8 git reflog: check out history of git command.