
Primary LanguagePython

Get started

Prepare virtual environment

$ cd path/to/PMCFigureX
$ git clone https://github.com/yfpeng/PMCFigureX.git
$ cd path/to/PMCFigureX
$ virtualenv -p python3 /path/to/venv
$ source /path/to/venv
$ pip -r requirements

Download pre-trained models

  1. Download pre-trained model for figure separation at https://github.com/apple2373/figure-separator
  2. Donwload the CXR/CT classifier at https://github.com/ncbi-nlp/COVID-19-CT-CXR/releases/tag/v20200610

Prepare source file

  1. Go to https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
  2. Search disease. For example Atelectasis [all_field]. Note: PubMed will automatically find synonyms of atelectasis, e.g., "pulmonary atelectasis"[MeSH Terms] OR ("pulmonary"[All Fields] AND "atelectasis"[All Fields]) OR "pulmonary atelectasis"[All Fields] OR "atelectasis"[All Fields]
  3. On the left, click "Free full text"
  4. Click "Save" and choose the "CSV" format: /path/to/Atelectasis.export.csv

Convert PubMed export file

$ python figurex_db/convert_pubmed_search_output.py \
    -s /path/to/Atelectasi.export.csv \
    -d /path/to/Atelectasi.export.tsv

Run the script

Change the paths in run_keys_db.sh

$ bash run_keys_db.sh step1 step2 step3 step4 step5 step6 step7 step8

The output is at /path/to/Atelectasis.figure_text.json


This work was supported by NLM under award number 4R00LM013001 and the Intramural Research Programs of the National Institutes of Health. It was als supported by the Google COVID-19 Research Grant.