
the other stories in academia

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

The Other Stories in Academia


  • 在本项目发起一个 issue,补充信息或反馈错误。
  • Fork 该项目,进行修改,然后发起 pull request。
  • Git - Book (Multi-language docs)
  • Git - 简明指南


├── persons
│   ├── name0.yaml
│   └── name1.yaml
├── events (now in content branch)
│   ├── yyddmm -- event 1.tsv
│   └── yyddmm -- event 1 entry.md
├── README.md
└── static
    └── template.yaml

Format Requirement

数据格式 / Data Format


本项目数据采用 YAML 格式。


Currenyly we put everyhing according to the naming conventions. Noticed that Unicode is in use by default, please maintian the name as original as possible, e.g., John_Doe.yaml is for some person who is known as his name in English and 张三 in Chinese. In addition, if you want to create an entry for someone is known for names in multiple languages, please use the most commmon one and add other names in the entry as auxiliary content.

Acceptable naming formats are

  1. First(_Middle)_Last.yaml, where (_Middle) is optional in avoidence of duplicated names; 姓名.yaml. Noticed that captalized initial letter is required.
  2. First(_middle)_Last(__schoolname).yaml, where schoolname should be expanded as Carleton_University for example; it is put as 姓名__学校.yaml in Chinese. Noticed that the underscore _ is the replacement of white space .
  3. The extension name .yaml should be kept.


(...) The most important part of the content is the suspected or believed sections.

Here we try to illustrate the difference:

  1. If there is no external proof from solid source, it is suspected. It includes but is not limited to disputations stated by anonymous students without official statement or other proof.
  2. If there is external proof from solid source, it is believed. The solidd sources mainly includes 1) statement by the official, 2) news from recongized authorities, etc.

If there is no content for the suspected section or believed section (but one of the two is req'ed), please simply leave it alone.


In "events" secion we try to record events with supporting files such as list of names for those who were involved. Noticed that this may arise controversy due to the insufficient information in depth.

学术界 FAQ



The content of this project itself is licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, and the underlying source code used to format and display that content is licensed under the GPL-3.0.