Provide docker images and docker stack for parse-server npm versions and latest commit
- 0
duplicate key in dev build docker-compose.yml
#104 opened by RyanPaulMcKenna - 1
Cannot DELETE Parse File
#103 opened by patricktslee - 0
ssh-add-key executable file not found in $PATH
#98 opened by pcg92 - 1
Please upgrade server to 2.7.4
#99 opened by carlosarmentac - 0
How does serve Parse to act like Back4App PaaS ?
#100 opened by expandboard - 0
- 1
- 6
Welcome collabrators
#93 opened by yongjhih - 2
How to configure letsencrypt
#81 opened by pcg92 - 2
- 0
- 0
Failed to generate token
#95 opened by solucionti - 2
Cant seem to disable cloud code info logs
#80 opened by Murf - 2
mongo-data use different image version?
#85 opened by katopz - 4
- 0
Image uploads
#71 opened by dodge107 - 4
PM2 integration?
#35 opened by katopz - 0
- 1
Mongo Credentials
#91 opened by Awatatah - 0
#90 opened by kevinzDzul - 11
- 0
- 3
why did you stop using tags at docker-hub?
#87 opened by derDieDasJojo - 0
Add more appId after command
#88 opened by arno608rw - 0
how to debug GCM connection issue
#82 opened by mohmagdy - 1
Cloud Code query is not executing callback
#83 opened by bodagetta - 0
Update to 2.3.0
#78 opened by Hitabis - 2
cannot git clone
#77 opened by richjing - 0
[Feature] GraphQL support
#70 opened by katopz - 2
- 1
Unauthorized error for cloud code requests which should be called with master key
#54 opened by egorvas - 1
CORS support
#67 opened by gdiazlo - 3
2.2.22 is out!
#66 opened by agordeev - 0
- 5
Dashboard unable to connect to server
#62 opened by TAProgramming - 1
- 2
Help with docker run for .p12 Certs and APNS
#58 opened by alombard - 0
Request : Push Adapter Compose file
#57 opened by mymanga - 1
Error: Cannot find module "parse/cloud/main.js"
#56 opened by thailow - 1
Parse Dashboard Error and Quit
#53 opened by tutchmedia - 1
- 3
- 2
NGINX - 502 Bad Gateway - HTTPS Parse Server
#44 opened by cleever - 3
- 0
SERVER_URL not get value from params
#43 opened by katopz - 2
- 0
- 5
Why it's always build when restart?
#37 opened by katopz - 19
Where to place .p12 for push notification?
#36 opened by katopz - 16