- 0
About Score class
#19 opened by pengzz-ops - 0
About Score class
#18 opened by pengzz-ops - 0
The code has been reproduced, but the results are inconsistent with the provided model.
#17 opened by qfxb - 1
Adding QAM only in STM's inference stage
#15 opened by csustYyh - 0
#16 opened by yanghgai - 2
#14 opened by karchen-geng - 7
您好,当我将QAM加入到STCN当中时,且输入到Score模块的特征是fuse后的,但是训练得到的score值到后面都是0了(Score模块里面全连接层的激活函数一个是relu,一个是sigmoid)我是1GPU训练,batch size为16,学习率为1e-5
#7 opened by lzl2040 - 5
#9 opened by karchen-geng - 1
May ask the result when you use the global average pooling layers in the code of QAM module?
#13 opened by zhouweii234 - 1
- 19
Questions about pre-training
#11 opened by karchen-geng - 3
#10 opened by karchen-geng - 1
checkpoint file
#8 opened by nankepan - 3
- 6
#6 opened by lzl2040 - 2
#5 opened by lzl2040 - 2
- 1
- 12
I use QAM for training, the number of iterations is 75K, but the loss only drops to about 0.5, is this normal?And how much does the final loss value of the original code drop?
#2 opened by lzl2040