- amadeuzou
- AndyTang15University of Oxford
- atakangktepeIstanbul, Turkey
- EzioByThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- FeiiYinTsinghua University
- fly51flyPRIS
- GaoHengZChengdu China
- gaomingqiUniversity of Warwick | SUSTech
- hkchengrexChampaign, IL
- Hope-Diamond
- hyorigoSeoul, KR
- Jee-june
- JerryX1110Prev @HUST|@MSRA|@DianGroup
- jhl-Det
- LemonTency
- lzl2040University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- maoyunyaoUSTC
- moerzy
- NikhilBhendeequick-and-dirty startup
- panzuwang
- PinxueGuoFudan University
- PotentialXBIT
- ShanglinLi
- shoutOutYangJie
- shuowang-aiBeijing Normal University
- sijianwu
- tokaka22The Hongkong Polytechnic University
- totperoTotPe.Ro
- turboxin
- Vujas-EtephFraunhofer IOSB Ettlingen
- Wang-Zhengjun
- wanganzhiChengDu
- wb014
- yongliu20
- youngtboyDUT、Lusterinc