This is a Parallel Systems project, developed at Summer of 2017 by Kamaras Georgios for the Parallel Systems (Programming) course. The goal of this project was designing, implementing and evaluating parallel programs in MPI, MPI+OpenMp and Cuda environments, by implementing the famous Conway's Game of Life.
- Part 1: Introduction
- Part 2: Data Sharing Design (sharing in Blocks, not lines, communication, processes' topology, etc)
- Part 3: MPI code design and implementation with the goal of reducing inert time or unnecessary calculations (communication choices, communication overlapping with calculations, avoiding many copies by using data-types, etc). Check for lack of matrix change after n iterations.
- Part 4: Measuring running time, calculating speedup, efficiency and presentation of results. Observation of data and processors scaling. Constant number of repeats. Behavior demonstration using Paraver.
- Part 5: Adding OpenMp commands for parallelization of calculations (e.g. inner elements), so that a hybrid program is developed. Observation of data and processors scaling.
- Part 6: Autonomous Cuda program with the same calculations.
- Part 7: Conclusions
Input initial state from file
./gameOfLife_mpi -f [inputTextFile].txt -r [numOfRows] -c [numOfColumns]
Random initial state
./gameOfLife_mpi_openmp -f [inputTextFile].txt -r [numOfRows] -c [numOfColumns]
./gameOfLife_cuda -f [inputTextFile].txt -r [numOfRows] -c [numOfColumns]
For more, please take a look at the scripts that come with each implementation.
We want to represent a matrix that has four organisms in his first line and two organisms (neighbors to at least one of the above) in the second line
1 2
2 2
1 3
2 3
1 4
1 5
- Kamaras Georgios: