COCACOLA: a general framework for binning contigs in metagenomic studies incorporating read COverage, CorrelAtion, sequence COmposition and paired-end read LinkAge
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FragGeneScan failed
#11 opened by maureenbug - 2
Any options for speed-up
#10 opened by skyts0401 - 2
Bug in python-version "os.getcwd()" is not the correct method to determine scripts residing path
#7 opened by jvollme - 1
- 0
Error: KeyError: 'contig1'
#9 opened by palomo11 - 5
How to calculate weights for edge_lists from paired-end linkage or co-alignment info?
#6 opened by jvollme - 1
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FragGeneScan takes forever
#3 opened by adityabandla - 0
Log File?
#4 opened by adityabandla - 2
Assertion Error
#2 opened by adityabandla - 1
Listing of dependencies
#1 opened by jvollme