
Color Classifier 🤖

Welcome to the Color Classifier project repository! This project, powered by ROS (Robot Operating System) and OpenCV, is designed to detect and classify colors, triggering corresponding actions by a robotic arm.

Project Overview

The Color Classifier project consists of two main components:

  1. Color Classifier Node: This node analyzes images to detect colors and publishes the results to the /color topic. If the detected color is green, it sends a signal of 1; otherwise, it sends 0.

  2. Robot Arm Operation Node: Subscribing to the /color topic, this node triggers the robot arm to perform a pick operation when it receives a signal of 1 (indicating the presence of green).


To get started with the Color Classifier project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd Color-Classifier-Using-ROS
  3. Ensure you have ROS and OpenCV installed on your system.

  4. Build the ROS package:



  1. Launch the Color Classifier nodes:

    roslaunch color_classifier color_classifier.launch
  2. Watch the robot arm spring into action as it picks objects of the specified color!

Video Demonstration

Check out our exciting video demonstration to see the Color Classifier project in action:

Uploading Screencast from 24-04-24 02:29:24.mp4…
