
Primary LanguageC++

ROS Run Instructions

File Description and Run Instruction

catkin_make first to build the projects.


rosrun bookle_control bookle_control to control the robot go straight along the line.


The description and urdf files for the robot.


roslaunch bookle_gazebo test.launch to launch the robot together with the environment in the gazebo simulation

General Run

Run/launch bookle_gazebo and bookle_control as descripbed above to open the project.


Download the git clone https://github.com/yswhynot/slam_gmapping.git and build the project.

Run with roslaunch gmapping slam_gmapping.launch. This takes input directly from the ros message.

Bookle TF

Trasform TF to Pose rosrun bookle_tf_pub bookle_tf_pub_node

Path Planning

To start the path planning node run rosrun bookle_path_plan bookle_path_plan_node. To feed it with the goal, run the script script/goal_post.sh