
[IFAC 2023] "H2 suboptimal leader-follower consensus control of multi-agent systems" by Yuan Gao, Junjie Jiao, Sandra Hirche

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT

H2 suboptimal leader-follower consensus control of multi-agent systems in 2023 International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress

This responsory includes the following files:

  1. The paper "H2 suboptimal leader-follower consensus control of multi-agent systems "
  2. Matlab Code for Simulation
  3. Simulation Video


In this paper, we investigate the distributed H2 suboptimal leader-follower consensus control problem for linear multi-agent systems using dynamic output feedback. By considering an autonomous leader, a number of followers, and an associated H2 cost functional, we aim to design a distributed protocol to ensure that the leader-follower consensus is achieved while the associated H2 cost is smaller than an a priori given upper bound. To this end, we first show that the H2 suboptimal leader-follower consensus control problem can be equivalently derived as the H2 suboptimal control problem of a set of independent systems. Based on this, we then present a design method for computing a distributed protocol. The computation of the feedback gains involves two Riccati inequalities whose dimension matches the state dimension of the agents. A simulation example is provided to demonstrate the performance of the proposed protocol.

Simulation Video


Slides in IFAC World Congress 2023, July 11, Yokohama, JAPAN



@article{gao2023h2, title={H2 suboptimal leader-follower consensus control of multi-agent systems}, author={Gao, Yuan and Jiao, Junjie and Hirche, Sandra}, journal={IFAC-PapersOnLine}, volume={56}, number={2}, pages={2614--2619}, year={2023}, publisher={Elsevier} }