This repository aims to rerun the code that was used for Prof. Marc Toussaint's papers "20-IROS: Describing Physics For Physical Reasoning: Force-based Sequential Manipulation Planning" and "21-ICRA: Co-Optimizing Robot, Environment, and Tool Design via Joint Manipulation Planning". The original repos can be found at 20-IROS-ForceBased and 21-ICRA-DesignOpt.

Quick Start

mkdir -p $HOME/git
cd $HOME/git
git clone
cd 21-ICRA-DesignOpt

git submodule init
git submodule update

make -j1 installUbuntuAll  # calls sudo apt-get install; you can always interrupt
cd demo_IROS
make -j4

cd ../demo_ICRA
make -j4
./x.exe -seed 1 -mode 0 -numCases 3 -scenario wrenchTool
./x.exe -seed 1 -mode 0 -numCases 3 -scenario resorting


Save the Videos

You can specify the saved video path in:

while(V.playVideo(C.frames.N, true, 10, "video/filename"));

and comment this line in the viewer.cpp:

rai::system(STRING("rm -f " <<saveVideoPath <<"*.ppm"));

To transform the saved ppms into an mp4, run in terminal:

cd video
ffmpeg -framerate 20 -i filename%04d.ppm -c:v libx264 -crf 25 -vf "scale=400:400,format=yuv420p" -movflags +faststart IROS_1.mp4

To transform the mp4 into a high-quality gif, run:

ffmpeg -i IROS_1.mp4 IROS_1%04d.png
gifski -o IROS_1.gif IROS_1*.png


Stable Grasp Book on Shelf
005 004
Billards Lift Ring
005 004
Force Grasp Push with Stick
005 004


Resorting Wrench Tool
005 004