Stackelberg Learning for Collaborative Assembly Task Planning

This repo is for the project of Stackelberg learning for collaborative assembly task planning.


  • Python 3.10 or higher
  • Pytorch 2.0.1 or higher

Running Scripts

  1. Create a Python virtual environment with Python 3.11 and source the virtual environment:
$ python3.11 -m venv <your-virtual-env-name>
$ source /path-to-venv/bin/activate
  1. Use pip to install related packages:
(your-venv)$ pip install -e .

To use plotting functions, install with

(your-venv)$ pip install -e ".[visual]"
  1. Go to the experiments/ directory and run different training scripts. e.g.,
(your-venv)$ python

Note: and should be run after all training are completed.

Project Structure

  • sg_task/: algorithm implementations
    • data/: environment settings and learning hyperparameters.
    • sg/: Stackelberg learning functions.
    • other/: nash and independent learning functions.
    • environment implementations.
    • perturbation test with Stackelberg learning models.
    • miscellaneous utilities.
  • data/: data directory for saving generated data and learned models.
  • experiments/: Python scripts for running the experiments.
  • tests/: test scripts.
  • scripts/: bash scripts to run the code.

Comparison Algorithm

  • nash: Nash Q-learning algorithm.
  • ind: Independent learning algorithm.
  • maddpg: Multi-Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient, see maddpg

Tunning Parameters

The hyperparameters and environment configurations are all in the sg_task/data/ director. New customized tasks can be freely added by following the structure of Task 1-8.

Parallel Running

We use the multiprocessing package to run the training of a specific task over different experiments in parallel. See code in the experiments/ directory. The training seeds and devices can be set manually for different experiments.

We use bash to run the training of different tasks in parallel.

To enable command-line options, uncomment the following statement in every training script in the experiments/ directory:

task_id = int(sys.argv[1])  # uncomment this to use bash script.

Coding Specifications

  • action: use list. Al = Af = [-1, 0, 1,..., n-1], -1 means do nothing, the board width is n
  • buffer: use 2D numpy array. D[i, :] = [s, al, af, rl, rf, s_new]
  • Q-function in Stackelberg learning: dims -> Al x Af. For output vector, we use order [(al_0,af_0), (al_0,af_1), ..., (al_0,af_m), ..., (al_m,af_m)]