
This repo is for Stackelberg meta-learning project.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Stackelberg Meta-Learning for Cooperative Trajectory Guidance

This repo is for the Stackelberg meta-learning project. The underlying application is UAV guiding UGV.

Note: This repo is reorganized for better readability in April 2024. The old version is archived in the main-old branch.


  • Python 3.9 or higher
  • PyTorch 1.12.1 or higher

Running Scripts

  1. Create a Python virtual environment with Python 3.9 or higher and source the virtual environment:
$ python3.9 -m venv <your-virtual-env-name>
$ source /path-to-venv/bin/activate
  1. Use pip to install related packages:
(your-venv)$ pip install -e .

To use plotting functions, install with

(your-venv)$ pip install -e ".[visual]"
  1. Go to the experiments/ directory and run different training scripts. e.g.,
(your-venv)$ python train_meta.py

Note: generate_data.py should be run first before all training.

Project Structure

  • sg_meta/: algorithm implementations
    • data/: environment settings and learning hyperparameters.
    • model.py: definition of the best response NN model.
    • agent.py: implementations of leader and follower classes.
    • meta.py: sampling and meta-learning algorithm.
    • utils.py: miscellaneous utilities.
  • data/: data directory for saving generated and learned models.
  • experiments/: Python scripts for running the experiments.
    • generate_data.py: generate the training data.
    • train_meta.py: meta-learning algorithm implementations.
    • ave_param.py: average over parameter space.
    • ave_output.py: average over output space.
    • receding_horizon.py: receding horizon planning.
    • zero_guidance.py: compute the follower's trajectory without the leader's guidance.
    • plot_things.py: plotting scripts.
  • tests/: test Python scripts.

Note: Meta training and adaptation are performed on the CPU since we manually implement gradient updates for each training iteration. GPU implementation is less efficient.

Coding specifications

In the Leader class, we specify some functions:

  • compute_opt_traj: solve the parameterized trajectory optimization problem
    • initx: generate an initial guess for the trajectory optimization problem
    • oc_opt: use optimization solver to obtain the trajectory
    • pmp_opt: use pmp conditions to refine the trajectory
  • obj_oc: objective of control cost
  • grad_obj_oc: gradient of control cost

In the Meta class, we specify some functions:

  • sample_task_theta: sample BR data for task theta
  • sample_task_theta_traj: sample BR data for task theta near the trajectory
  • sample_task_theta_uniform: randomly sample BR data for task theta
  • update_model: update meta model
  • update_model_theta: update intermediate model
  • train_brnet: train separate brnet for different followers, designed for individual learning

To save space, we use state_dict to pass a neural network.


Each obstacle is specified by a 6-dim vector: [xc, yc, rc, norm, x_scale, y_scale].

  • If norm=1, x_scale, y_scale scale the unit width/height rc.
  • If norm=2, x_scale, y_scale scale the radius rc.
  • If norm=-1, x_scale, y_scale scale the unit edge length rc. The previous scaling notation is easy for plotting. The math representation is scaled by 1/x_scale and 1/y_scale, respectively.

BR data

  • BR data are organized into numpy array. D[i,:] = [x, a, br]
  • Trajectory is stored in a 2d numpy array with axis0 as time index. x_traj[t, :] = x_t
  • Use a list to store type-related quantity. br_list[i] is the adapted meta model (an NN) for type i follower.
    • Trajectories have different time dimensions.
    • state trajectory x_traj has dimension T+1. x_0, ..., x_T
    • control input trajectories a_traj and b_traj have dimension T. a_0, ..., a_{T-1}
    • costate trajectory lam_traj has dimension T. lam_1, ..., lam_T

Tunning Parameters

  • Meta learning and adaptation hyperparameters are in the sg_meta/data/parameters.json.
  • For Param-Ave and Output-Ave training, hyperparameters are defined in the script. They can be different from meta learning hyperparameters.