Author of this Release Package: Yuliang Guo ( This is multi-stage approach in extracting curve fragments features from image. This package includes research code still under development. There are a lot redundent code included. The evaluation result is not the same reported in the published papers.
Reference: "A Multi-Stage Approach to Curve Extraction", Y.Guo, N.Kumar, M.Narayanan and B.Kimia, ECCV 2014 "On Evaluating Methods for Recovering Image Curve Fragments", Y.Guo, B.Kimia, CVPRW 2012 "No grouping left behind: From edges to curve fragments, Tamrakar and Kimia, ICCV 2007"
mkdir vxl
git clone vxl
mkdir vxl-bin
cd ./vxl-bin
# press 'c' (configure) multiple times until 'g' (generate) appears
make -j4 -k # compile in parallel and keep going past errors
# Don't worry about errors at this point. We will not use everything.
mkdir MSEL_bin
cd ./MSEL_bin
ccmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../MSEL_src
# type in the path of VXL_DIR as the path of vxl-bin folder made in step 2.
# press 'c' (configure) multiple times until 'g' (generate) appears
make -j4 -k
# there are two excutables generated in MSEL_bin
# Extraction contours from image
e.g. ./MSEL_bin/MSEL_compute_contours_from_img 10081.jpg 10081.cem 200 1.5 1
# This is a combination of edge-detection and contour extraction
# the edge detection integrated referst to: "No grouping left behind: From edges to curve fragments, Tamrakar and Kimia, ICCV 2007"
# Usage: ./MESL_bin/MSEL_compute_contours_from_img input_img_file output_cem_file nContours edge_sigma edge_thresh
# input_img_file: path of the input image file. Input image must be color.
# output_cem_file: path of the output contour file, we define this type of file as ".cem".
# nContours: number of contours to be outputed after ranking. If this is set to 0 or kept blank, it will output all the generated contours.
# edge_sigma: sigma parameter for the edge detection, deciding the scale of edge.
# edge_thresh: gradient thresh for the edge detection, deciding the scale of edge.
# Extraction contours from edges
e.g. ./MSEL_bin/MSEL_compute_contours_from_edges 10081.jpg 10081.edg 10081.cem 200
# Suppose edges can be detected from third-part softwares, and can be saved in the same format as "10081.edg"
# Usage: ./MESL_bin/MSEL_compute_contours_from_img input_img_file input_edg_file output_cem_file nContours
# input_img_file: path of the input image file. Input image must be color.
# input_edg_file: path of the input edgemap file, which we define the type as ".edg".
# output_cem_file: path of the output contour file, we define this type of file as ".cem".
# nContours: number of contours to be outputed after ranking. If to output all the generated contours, set this to 0
use Matlab, demo_vis_io.m