
[ICML 2024] Imitation Learning from Purified Demonstrations

Primary LanguagePython

Imitation Learning from Purified Demonstrations

This repository contains the PyTorch code for the paper "Imitation Learning from Purified Demonstrations" in ICML 2024.


Experiments were run with Python 3.6 and these packages:

  • pytorch == 1.1.0
  • gym == 0.15.7
  • mujoco-py ==


  • Train Diffusion Models with Few Optimal Demonstrations
 python ddpm_il.py --env_id 1/2/3/4 --il_method diffusion --action diff
  • Behavior Cloning with Purified Demonstrations
 python ddpm_il.py --env_id 1/2/3/4 --c_data 1/2/3/4 --il_method diffusion --action diff --diff_t 5/10/30/50/100 --noise_level 1/2/3
  • GAIL with Purified Demonstrations
 python ddpm_il.py --env_id 1/2/3/4 --c_data 1 --il_method diffusion --action gail --denoise --diff_t 5 --noise_level 1/2/3  --seed 0/1/2/3/4

The re-implementation of BCND/DWBC/WGAIL/2IWIL/IC-GAIL/WGAIL can be found in core/irl.py.


For any questions, please feel free to contact me at yunke.wang@whu.edu.cn.


  title={Imitation Learning from Purified Demonstrations},
  author={Wang, Yunke and Dong, Minjing and Zhao, Yukun and Du, Bo and Xu, Chang},
  booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},


We thank the authors of VILD. Our code structure is based on their source code and we also use some of expert data collected by VILD.


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[4] InfoGAIL: Interpretable Imitation Learning from Visual Demonstrations. NeurIPS 2017

[5] Imitation learning from imperfect demonstration. ICML 2019.

[6] Extrapolating beyond suboptimal demonstrations via inverse reinforcement learning from observations. ICML 2019.

[7] Better-than-demonstrator imitation learning via automatically-ranked demonstrations. CoRL 2020.

[8] Variational Imitation Learning with Diverse-quality Demonstrations. ICML 2020.

[9] Learning to Weight Imperfect Demonstrations. ICML 2021

[10] Robust Adversarial Imitation Learning via Adaptively-Selected Demonstrations. IJCAI 2021.

[11] Unlabeled Imperfect Demonstrations in Adversarial Imitation Learning. AAAI 2021.