
An unofficial pytorch implementation of "STREAMVC: REAL-TIME LOW-LATENCY VOICE CONVERSION".

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


An unofficial pytorch implementation of STREAMVC: REAL-TIME LOW-LATENCY VOICE CONVERSION created for learning purposes.

The streaming infernce isn't fully implemented at the moment.

flowchart LR 
    TS[Training Sample] -.-> SP
    SP -.-> HB[["(8) HubBert based\npseudo labels"]]
    CE -.-> LN[[LN+Linear+Softmax]] -.->L1((cross\nentropy\nloss))
    HB -.->L1
    subgraph Online Inference
        SP[Source\nSpeech] --> CE[["(1) Content\nEncoder"]] -->|"// (grad-stop)"| CL[Content\nLatent] --> CAT(( )) -->D[["(3) Decoder"]]
        SP --> f0[["(4) f0 estimation"]] --> f0y[["(5) f0 whitening"]] --> CAT
        SP --> FE[["(6) Frame Energy\nEstimation"]] --> CAT
    subgraph "Offline Inference (Target Speaker)"
        TP[Target\nSpeech] --> SE[["(2) Speech\nEncoder"]] --- LP[["(7) Learnable\nPooling"]]-->SL[Speaker\nLatent]
    TS -.-> TP
    SL --> |Conditioning| D
    D -.-> Dis[["(9) Discriminator"]]
    TS2[Training Sample] -.->Dis
    Dis -.-> L2((adversarial\nloss))
    Dis -.-> L3((feature\nloss))
    D -.-> L4((reconstruction\nloss))
    TS2 -.-> L4 
    classDef train fill:#337,color:#ccc;
    class TS,TS2,HB,LN,Dis train;
    classDef off fill:#733,color:#ccc;
    class TP,SE,LP,SL off;
    classDef else fill:#373,color:#ccc;
    class SP,CE,CL,D,f0,f0y,FE,CAT else;

Example Usage



To install the requirements for training run:

pip install -r requirements-training.txt

Running the training script

train.py is the python script for training, it uses 🤗 Accelerate. To cofigure Accelerate to your enviroenment use accelerator config.

To launch the script, run:

accelerate launch [ACCELERATE-OPTIONS] train.py [TRAINING-OPTIONS]

To see the available training options, run:

python train.py --help



To install the requirements for inference run:

pip install -r requirements-inference.txt

Running the script

inference.py is the python script for inference on a single source & target combo.

To launch the script, run:

python inference.py -c <model_checkpoint> -s <source_speech> -t <target_speech> -o <output_file>

To see the available inference options, run:

python inference.py --help


This project was made possible by the following open source projects: