
Public Code Repository of the iRotate Active SLAM for Omnidirectional robots at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

iRotate: Active Visual SLAM for Omnidirectional Robots

This repository contains the code of iRotate, an active V-SLAM method submitted to RA-L + IROS2021. This project has been developed within Robot Perception Group at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen.

The paper can be found here -- please cite us if you find this work useful

Check out the video here

Getting Started

These instructions will help you to set up both the simulation environment and a real robot scenario for development and testing purposes.


There are many prerequisites. Please follow instructions on the linked webpages on how to install them.

  • Clone this repository

  • Update CMake to the latest version: follow this. Tested with CMake 3.16.5

  • OpenCV with contrib and non-free enabled. Tested with 3.4.3

  • Install ros-melodic-desktop-full following this

  • Install ros prerequisites sh ros-req.sh

  • [optional] (For the notebook visualization) Install python3, pip3 and virtualenv

    • create a virtualenv with python3.6
    • Install in the virtualenv with pip install -r requirements.txt the required packages
    • Run jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-plotly (if nodejs gives problems run curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo -E bash – && sudo apt-get install nodejs)
  • Install ACADO from sources and follow this README

  • Install GTSAM4.x either from sources or APT. NOTE If building from sources be sure that march_native is off, or, as an alternative, you can have g2o+PCL+GTSAM all built from sources with such option enabled. If problems arise during the compilation of RTABMap check this

  • Install libpointmatcher

  • RTABMap:

    • git clone https://github.com/introlab/rtabmap && cd rtabmap
    • git checkout 39f68c44c
    • copy the edited rtabmap files into the cloned folder cp <your-active_v_slam>/rtabmap-edited/* <your-rtabmap>/corelib/
    • build and install rtabmap. NOTE Be careful that the end of cmake .. must be "Build files have been written to ..." w/o ANY subsequent warnings. GTSAM, g2o, OpenCV should be automatically recognized and enabled for the building.
    • Test the installation by running rtabmap command in a console. A preemptive sudo ldconfig might be necessary.
  • Gazebo:

    • Launch gazebo at least once so that folders are created.
    • [optional] Download gazebo's models and place them in ~/.gazebo/models
    • Download 3dgems models with sh 3dgems.sh
    • Download models from AWS and place them in ~/.gazebo/models
  • Catkin make on the main project folder

    • Install librealsense
    • robotino's packages: rec-rpc robotino-dev and robotino-api2 from here in this order
    • REMOVE the CATKIN_IGNORE from src/realsense-ros/realsense2-camera, src/robotino-node, src/robotino-rest-node, src/robotino-teleop
    • do catkin_make again. If error occurs because of missing robotino's msg files you can run mkdir -p ./devel/include/robotino_msgs && cp robotino_specific/robotino_msgs/*.h ./devel/include/robotino_msgs

How to run

Since you will need at least 5 terminals to run this project my suggestion is to use a package like terminator.

  1. Launch the simulation environment roslaunch robotino_simulations world.launch here.
    1. Select the desired environment with name:=<arg>. We tested our work with name:="cafe" and name:="small_house" x:=-2.0.

      .world files are placed in robotino_simulations/worlds/

    2. This node takes care also of launching the nodes for generating the necessary ground truth transforms

    3. In case a shift is needed (like with the AWS's small_house) the robot_ekf in robotino_description/launch/robotino.launch should be adapted to get the corrispondent starting pose since groundtruth will reflect this shift

  2. Run the MPC: roslaunch robotino_mpc robotino_mpc.launch. Parameters in robotino_mpc/cfg/nmpc.yaml will be used in the code to configure mainly the topics while NMPC constraints can be configured either dynamically (rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure) or by editing the robotino_mpc/cfg/NonLinearMPC.cfg file. Note that the latter require a catkin_make afterwards.
  3. Run RTABMap: roslaunch robotino_simulations rtabmap.launch which is here. Many things will be launched here.
    1. move_base and the costmap converter found here. The parameters are placed in robotino_simulations/config
    2. The "main" mapping.launch file contains:
      • libpointmatcher odometry node
      • rgbd_sync node (from RTABMap)
      • config parameters of RTABMap
    3. the argument delete:=-d lets the user delete the previously generated db at launch
    4. the default folder of the db is .ros/rtabmap.db (setted with the db argument)
    5. RTABMap parameters can be edited directly in robotino_simulations/launch/mapping.launch
    6. RTABMapViz (the visualization tool of RTABMap) is currently commented in robotino_simulations/launch/mapping.launch. Note that with this enabled performance will suffer most probably requiring RTABMap to use its memory management techniques.
    7. Note that some arguments, like "compressed" (which is triggerred by remote:=true) are useful only in case of distributed systems and real robot scenarios
  4. [optional] Run the logger: rosrun robotino_simulations rtabmap_eval.py. This will log odometry, loop closures, map entropy, explored space, wheels rotations in different "npy" files saved on the node running location.
  5. Run the active node: roslaunch active_slam active_node.launch. This will launch the frontier extraction and the map information optimizer.
  6. [optional] Run the features' follower: roslaunch robotino_camera_heading best_heading.launch. The camera specifics are placed in robotino_simulations/config/camera.yaml
  7. The FSM is launched with roslaunch robotino_fsm robotino_fsm.launch kind:=2.
    • With kind you can select the utility [see the paper for reference]:
      • 2: Shannon
      • 5: Dynamic weight with obstacles
      • 7: Interpolation
      • 9: Shannon with obstacles
    • With only_last:=true/false you can decide if the system should use only the last waypoint to chose the path or use the whole information.
    • With weighted_avg:=true/false you can switch between weighted avg and weighted sum as total utility of a path
    • With pre_fix:=true/false you can decide if the system should pre-optimize the heading after choosing the path to follow. Only applicable if only_last:=true
    • With mid_optimizer:=true/false you can turn on/off the optimization procedure for the next waypoint.

Custom robot system

This algorithm has been tested thoroughly based on our hw architecture fully simulated inside the Gazebo environment. We developed a custom Gazebo's plugin to generate odometry and movement of the three-wheel omnidirectional robot system so that we have correct joint movements and representation of the robot real movements. If you want to test this algorithm on your own system there are some changes you might want to apply:

  • camera, IMU, laser scan and odom topics here, here, here and here
  • camera configuration here
  • Frontier size in the active_slam package
  • EKF's settings and topics: note that the system relies on two odometry sources, one for the camera wrt the base and one for the base. The system will indeed need both topics to be published to work (i.e. the FSM and the MPC relies on synchronization of odom messages from these two sources).
  • Other things like move_base setting


Reproducing results

Results achieved in real world experiments always depend on the hardware in question as well as environmental factors on the day of experiment. However our simulated experiments results were averaged over a large number of identical experiments and should be reproducible by third parties.

We focused on AWS's Small House and an edited version of the Gazebo's Cafè environments. Tests results are averaged among 20 tries of 10 minutes each with the same starting location ([-2,0] and [0,0] respectively).

No changes to the code are necessary.

Generate evaluation files and analyze the results

To generate evaluation files you need to edit the following files map.sh, back.sh, robotino_simulations/src/convert_map.cpp and robotino_simulations/src/calculate_map_error.cpp such that folders are correct for your system.

  • convert_map.cpp:L12 is the destination folder of the map converted to a txt file.
  • calculate_map_error.cpp:L10-14 are the folders/files used to generate the results and read the (gt)map
  • map.sh will be then use to create the map, compute the results and generate the log files from rtabmap database
  • back.sh will run the trajectory evaluation scripts and map.sh and move all the files to the desired folder

The groundtruths for the considered environments [Cafe and AWS's small house] (generated with the pgm_map_creator) are in src/pgm_map_creator/maps.

The suggested folder structure is as follow (since this is the one used in scripts and notebook):

  • Test/
    • env/
      • occupancy_gt.txt
      • folder/ [i.e. experiment identifier]
        • 0/ [i.e. run number ]
        • 1/
        • 2/
        • ...

folder should be named as utility_env_testkind. For example using Shannon, on env 1 and every component enabled (A) I generated: Test/E1/S_E1_A/0.

While running the experiments you need run the logger (step 4).

One can use python src/pause.py to pause the simulation after a given amount of time.

After the run has been paused you can call sh back.sh 'env' 'folder' 'try' and generate all the results.

NOTE: these scripts assume that all the components are available and online [roscore, rtabmap, map server...]

The python notebook can then be used to generate paper-like plots and results.

The BAC score will be computed inside the notebook.

The notebook requires the "poses.g2o" file for each run. This was initially used to gather the evolution of link uncertainties. Even if it's not directly useful I suggest to still export this via rtabmap-databaseViewer tool by opening the database and doing File>export poses> g2o so that you can double-check the correctness of every run.

NOTE Most probably you will need to edit the notebook based on your need: e.g. length of the experiments, bucketing and other things are managed inside.

Included external packages / sources

  • pgm_map_creator

  • rtabmap_ros: edited in a couple of source files and froze

  • evaluation of the map and frontier extractor from crowdbot_active_slam.

    Frontier extractor has been edited to obtain more frontiers.

  • trajectory evaluation from TUM

  • realsense-ros and realsense-gazebo-plugin folders. Note that those have slightly edited tfs. This won't impact results you can [probably] freely update those.


All Code in this repository - unless otherwise stated in local license or code headers is

Copyright 2021 Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen.

Licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence (GPL) v3 or higher. See: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html