
Developed a Chinese Checkers game playing engine using DrRacket

Primary LanguageRacket


Developed a Chinese Checkers game playing engine using DrRacket

Chinese Checkers

Course Project - Spring 2018
CS154 - Abstractions and Paradigms in Programming


Sriram Yenamandra : 16D070017
Syamantak Kumar : 16D070025
Kartik Khandelwal : 160070025

Problem Description

The aim of this project was to develop the game of Chinese Checkers and make a basic chinese checkers playing engine. The option of either a two-player game or a one-player game has been provided. We have also simulated game between two AI’s to compare different heuristics.

Home screen 31351511_926878227482026_8771033726281842688_n

A sample instance of the game vs AI (red pegs), the possible next moves from a start peg have been shown in light green 31398324_926879190815263_3248580994881552384_n

Please refer the pdf file in the repository which contains the project report.