This project is a point cloud semantic segmentation network trained by the snapnet network on semantic3D data. The network first generates images for training on the point cloud and then uses other image semantic segmentation networks to train on the images. When processing new point cloud data, RGB images are automatically generated on the point cloud, and these images are labeled by the image semantic segmentation network. The network backprojects the results of the image segmentation to the point cloud.
The following GIF is the result of the network segmentation point cloud
SnapNet's performance on the semantic 3D dataset is second only to SPGraph. It is the best network based on tensorflow in the field of point cloud segmentation. Then the snapnet network later introduced the robot version snapNet++ for target detection.
They provide training and test data as a compressed ascii text file format of {x, y, z, intensity, r, g, b}. The basic facts are provided in the form of a single column ascii file, where the row id of the class labels corresponds to the point. 7zip is used for compression and is available for Windows and Linux.
- Data download link:
You need to put the downloaded point cloud data and tag data in the train folder.
- Cython 0.29.1
- PCL = 1.8
- OpenMP
- NanoFlann: nanoflann.hpp should be included in the include directory
- Eigen: Eigen should also be included in the include directory
- TensorFlow
- TQDM, Scipy, Numpy ues the pip install
cd pointcloud_tools
python install --home="."
"train_create_mesh" : true,
"train_create_views" : true,
"train_create_images" : true,
"test_create_mesh" : true,
"test_create_views" : true,
"test_create_images" : true,
"batch_size" : 24,
"learning_rate" : 1e-4,
"epoch_nbr" : 100,
"label_nbr" : 10,
"input_ch" : 3,
"train_rgb" : true,
"train_composite" : true,
"train_fusion" : true,
"saver_directory_rgb" : "path_to_rgb_model_directory",
"saver_directory_composite" : "path_to_composite_model_directory",
"saver_directory_fusion" : "path_to_fusion_model_directory",
- The point cloud decimation
- views and images generation
The images that will be generated when running the image generation script and the corresponding camera location files will be placed in './'folder. When the training script is run, the train_save file will be created containing the label point cloud and RGB point cloud, as well as the 2D image images generated on these point clouds, which will be used for training.
python3 --config config.json
Three files are generated during training to save the training results.'composite_save''fusion_save''rgb_save'
python3 --config config.json
- The semantic predictions on images
- back-projection on the decimated clouds
This script will generate tagged point cloud data(ply)
python3 --config config.json
- generate the files at the Semantic 3D format
- assign a label to each point of the original point cloud
This script marks the point of the corresponding row in the point cloud file as the Train ID.
python3 --config config.json
First you need to use my to convert your data into a model readable format.Modify the point cloud path in the script.
Modify 'trainng model = false' in the Config.json file.
Add new data names to the,, scripts
Run the script to process the point cloud.
python3 --config config.json
Run the script to predict and output the ply file.
python3 --config config.json
Run the script to mark each point in the original point cloud.
python3 --config config.json