
Decode Ublox M8L data

Primary LanguageC

u-blox GNSS receiver data decoder

Support M8, F9 series data

  • M8L
  • F9P, F9K

The decoder is modify from the rtklib, please refer to original rtklib code for more details.

The output includes

  1. the raw GNSS measurements (wk, ws, sys, prn, code, carrier phase, doppler, snr, lli)
  2. imu raw data at 10Hz (wk, ws, fx, fy, fz, wx, wy, wz), wxyz => deg/s, fxyz, => m/s/s
  3. GPS+IMU integrated solution from internal INS engine


Define solution type: Status 1: SPP solution. Status 2: DGNSS solution. Status 3: Dead reckoning only. Status 4: Carrier phase range solution with fixed ambiguities. Status 5: Carrier phase range solution with floating ambiguities. Status 6: GNSS + dead reckoning combined solution.