
Tool kit for chip-seq like data analysis

Primary LanguagePython


Tools for analyzing chip-seq like data

  • dumpHDF5.py

    Compute per base coverage from a 1-based bedgraph format file, then dump into the specified hdf5 file

  • loadHDF5.py

    Load coverage in the regions provided, output the average coverage per base, heatmap and composite plot. All regions must have the same length

  • loadHDF5_mpi.py

    MPI version of loadHDF5.py

  • loadHDF5_pearson.py

    Load genome-wide coverage or coverage in the regions if provided region file, concatenate them and chop into bins, compute pearson/spearman correlation of these bins, output correlation matrix, heatmap.

  • loadHDF5_pearson_mpi.py

    MPI version of loadHDF5_pearson_mpi.py