Online Extrinsics Correction for the Surround-view System

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

OECS: Online Extrinsics Correction for the Surround-view system

1. Prerequisites

We have tested the library in Ubuntu 14.04, but it should be easy to compile in other platforms.

C++11 or C++0x Compiler

We use the new thread and chrono functionalities of C++11.


This is an Lie algebra library. More details can be found in https://github.com/strasdat/Sophus.


We use OpenCV to manipulate images and features. Dowload and install instructions can be found at: http://opencv.org. We use 3.4.1, but it should also work for other version at least 3.0.


Download and install instructions can be found at: http://eigen.tuxfamily.org.


We use g2o library to perform non-linear optimizations.

2. Building the project

We use CMake to build the project on ubuntu 14.04.

cd OECS/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

There has been no rules for "make install" yet, so if you want to use the library in other project, maybe you can copy the headers and the lib file to system path by hand.

3. Run the project

After compile and build the project, some executable files will be stored in the ./bin/ .

For the correction process:


It's worth mentioning that all image pairs used to generate the surround-view should be in ./samples/