Swissbiopics Extension For Quarto

Embed Swissbiopics in Quarto documents.

Note: this works but is still in alpha state.

Note: this is only available for html formats.


quarto add zachcp/swissbiopics

This will install the extension under the _extensions subdirectory. If you're using version control, you will want to check in this directory.


You can use the {{< sbp >}} shortcode to add a SwissBioPics image to your quarto document. You will need to specify the name of one of the images which can be found in _extensions/swissbiopics/resources/images. For example:

{{<  sbp Animal_cells >}}

{{<  sbp Egg_cell >}}

{{<  sbp Trypanosoma >}}


Copy the _extensions directory to docs and build.