
This directory contains simple examples of the BSD TCP Server Socket API for ESP-IDF and the combination of the ros turtle node and the tcp client socket apis.

Primary LanguageMakefile


This directory contains simple examples of the BSD TCP Server Socket API for ESP-IDF and the combination of the ros turtle node and the tcp client socket apis. keyboard key data received with turtlesim_turtle_teleop_key is transmitted to esp32 on Tcp protocol and led blink application.

--- ESP-IDF ---

  • Make esp-idf project make menuconfig or open sdkconfig.h file and type the ssd and password of the network to connect to the same network as ros.

--- ROS ---

  • In the TCP_IP field in the testTcpClient.py file, type the ip and port address of the esp32 tcp server.
  • Let's run a node to start uart communication with esp on ubuntu and subscribe to / turtle1 / cmd_vel.
    • rosrun esp-idf-test testTcpClient.py
  • then subscribe and read the keys on the keyboard will start the node.
    • rosrun turtlesim turtle_teleop_key