
communication of ros with esp32 via uart interrupt and turtle_teleop_key application

Primary LanguageMakefile


communication of ros with esp32 via uart and turtle_teleop_key application

Keyboard key data received with turtlesim_turtle_teleop_key is transmitted to esp32 on uart and led blink application.

--- ROS ---

  • Let's run a node to start uart communication with esp on ubuntu and subscribe to / turtle1 / cmd_vel.
    • rosrun esp-idf-test serialT.py
  • then subscribe and read the keys on the keyboard will start the node.
    • rosrun turtlesim turtle_teleop_key

---- ESP - IDF -------

  • This example shows how to use the UART driver to handle UART interrupt.
  • For esp32 devkitc boards you can connect directly to the computer via usb using micro usb inputs. It does not require extra pin connection.
  • Port: UART0
  • Receive (Rx) buffer: on
  • Transmit (Tx) buffer: off
  • Flow control: off
  • Event queue: on
  • Pin assignment: TxD (default), RxD (default)