
This project is an introduction to the beautiful world of Raytracing.

Primary LanguageC



What's Raytraicng?!

 Ray tracing is a rendering technique that can produce incredibly realistic lighting effects.
Essentially, an algorithm can trace the path of light,and then simulate the way that the light 
interacts with the virtual objects it ultimately hits in the computer-generated world. 

Objects :

  • sphere
  • triangle
  • plane
  • cylinder
  • square

minirt Screen-Shot-2020-11-12-at-19-09-49

To Use!

The scene must be correctly formatted.
This project is using the Minilibx using the Metal framework and therefore should work only on macOS 10.13+.
You should follow this guide if you want to compile it on Linux.

Resource 👩🏻‍🏫🎯
