
pose graph visualization package for rviz

Primary LanguageC++


std_msgs/Header 	header
EdgeSE2[] 			edges 
float32[]           edge_weights 
VertexSE2[] 		vertices 

2D Pose Graph

A 2d pose graph can be visualized by publishing GraphSE2 message. header, edges, vertices are always required for visualization. But edge_weights is optional and should be left empty. It is required only when the graph is robustified.

Robustified Pose Graph

A robustified pose graph can be visualized by setting edge_weights field. Each i-th edge_weights must map into i-th edges in GraphSE2 message. Each edge_weights field must have a value between 0.0f~1.0f.

  • 0.0f means the edge has no influence in graph optimization.
  • 1.0f means the edge influnces the graph as much as possible.

Fully unweighted edges are greyed out.
