Spring Cloud AWS add-on that provides encryption via AWS KMS
- 3
- 0
getting error Caused by: com.amazonaws.SdkClientException: Unable to find a region via the region provider chain. Must provide an explicit region in the builder or setup environment .
#146 opened by jangid21 - 0
getting error Caused by: com.amazonaws.SdkClientException: Unable to find a region via the region provider chain. Must provide an explicit region in the builder or setup environment .
#145 opened by jangid21 - 0
- 0
- 0
- 2
Any plan to support newer Spring-boot version?
#125 opened by javiercanillas - 3
Issues with version 5.1 pom
#100 opened by jesjos - 1
- 0
Spring Boot 2.3.x 2.2.x compatibility (update to Spring Cloud Hotxon SR11)
#114 opened by daniel-dios - 9
- 6
Support for asymmetric keys
#82 opened by dharezlak - 11
Password as environment variable
#48 opened by sfali - 0
- 8
- 8
- 6
kms proxy for localhost
#47 opened by eskuai - 9
Having trouble using decrypted AWS KMS data key
#44 opened by jslott - 8
Spring Boot 2.0 Compatibility
#33 opened by bentrility - 5
VPC Endpoint Support
#36 opened by davidtkaczyk69 - 0
Fix region handling
#30 opened by harti2006 - 0
Fix links in Readme
#29 opened by harti2006 - 2
Create current releases in Github
#26 opened by mariodavid - 1
Change license to MIT
#25 opened by maschleg - 0
#19 opened by lasomethingsomething - 0
#22 opened by MALPI - 0
Update Spring Cloud dependencies
#20 opened by MALPI - 2
- 4
- 9
Add support to EncryptionContext
#9 opened by kinow - 3
Project status
#4 opened by lasomethingsomething - 7
Automatic region discovery
#8 opened by kinow - 4
Any plans to update to springboot 1.4?
#5 opened by dimiro1 - 1
java.util.Base64 is only available in Java 8
#1 opened by twz123