Detect lane lines in images using Python and OpenCV.
The complete project consists of two files: a Jupyter notebook for project code code and a file containing a brief write up explaining the solution writeup. The writeup describes the solution pipelines, shortcommings, and suggestions for improvement.
The requirements to pass the project: project rubric
Projects from Self-driving Car Engineer Nanodegree. Each project is in its corresponding folder. I have named the projects consecutively from P1 to P9. The program consists of two parts:
Part 1: Computer Vision, Deep Learning, and Sensors (P1 to P5):
- Project 1: Finding Lane Lines
- Project 2: Advanced Lane Finding
- Project 3: Traffic Sign Classifier
- Project 4: Behavioral Cloning
- Project 5: Extended Kaman Filters
Part 2: Localization, Path Planning, Control, and System Integration (P6 to P9):
- Project 6: Localization
- Project 7: Path Planning
- Project 8: PID Controller
- Project 9: System Integration and Deployment