
Python implementations of University of Pennsylvania Robotics Specialization, and more.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Robotics License: MIT Hits

Collection of Python implementations of Robotics and Computer Vision theories taught in

  1. University of Pennsylvania Robotics Specialization
  2. University of Cambridge Computer Vision
  3. University of Cambridge Robotics
  4. University of Cambridge Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making
  5. Robot Ignite Academy [link]

Aims of this repo are to rewrite all MATLAB demos from the online courses into Python to develop a deeper understanding about those Robotics and Computer Vision concepts, and provide more readable scripts for beginners to begin their learning about Robotics. [**Mobility course is coming soon!]


  • Python 3.7.4 + numpy 1.16.5 + scipy 1.3.1 + matplotlib 3.1.1 + yaml 5.1.2 + open-cv 3.4.2 + glob 0.7 + tqdm 4.36.1 + sympy 1.4 + slycot + pydobot

Table of Contents


Quadcopter 1D Quadcopter 2D Dijkstra Algorithm A-star Algorithm
Configuration Space Potential Field Path 2D Homography 3D Homography
Optical Track Point Cloud Calibration Kalman Filter
Occupancy Grid Map Particle Localization PD Control PD Track Arm
Solve ODE Estimated Kalman Filter Mobile Inverted Pendulum LQR MIP
PID MIP Value Iteration sarsa Q-Learning
SIR model