
[Avoidable] [Won't Fix] Modifying the `velocity` property through `AnimationStream` does not take effect as expect when using hunamoid animation.

Primary LanguageC#

[Avoidable][Won't Fix] Unity-Bug-Report-Playable-IN-41394

Unity has stated that they will not fix this bug.

RESOLUTION NOTE: Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. Unfortunately, after careful consideration we will not be addressing your issue at this time, as we are currently committed to resolving other higher-priority issues, as well as delivering the new animation system. Our priority levels are determined by factors such as the severity and frequency of an issue and the number of users affected by it. However we know each case is different, so please continue to log any issues you find, as well as provide any general feedback on our roadmap page to help us prioritize.

About this issue

When using humanoid animation, modifying the velocity property through AnimationStream did not take effect as expected.

This issue does not arise when using generic animation.


How to reproduce

  1. Open the SampleScene.
  2. Enter Play Mode.
  3. In the Game view, you can see the "Target Velocity" and the "Actual Velocity" are different.

Further testing

Even if AnimationStream.velocity is not modified in animation bob, the final value of AnimationStream.velocity still have slight differences compared to the value of Animator.velocity. This phenomenon may be related to this bug.


This issue can be temporarily fixed by manually collect and apply root motion data.

See: ModifyVelocityTest_TempFix.cs.