1. Introduction

This code is the Theia plugin implementation base on GSLAM.


2. Build and Install

2.1. Build and Install GSLAM

git clone --branch 2.4.2

2.2. Build and Install GSLAM-TheiaSfM

mkdir build;
cd build;
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release;
sudo make install

3. Run TheiaSfM with gslam

Since TheiaSfM plugin now use image file path as input, the dataset should provide frames with filePath information.

Now DroneMap keyframes datasets and RTMapper datasets are supported.

  1. Download sample dataset:
git clone
  1. Run with gslam
gslam SLAM=libgslam_theiaSfM Dataset=<folder>/phantom3-village-kfs/.npudronemap

Since the SfM process is quite slow compare to SLAM plugins, the real process is started after all frames feeded. We suggest users to try a small dataset first or stop feeding frames with pressing stop button when enough frames are feeded. You can further boost the speed with parameter PlaySpeed and num_threads setted.

gslam SLAM=libgslam_theiaSfM Dataset=<folder>/phantom3-village-kfs/.npudronemap PlaySpeed=5 num_threads=4